Friday 11 August 2017

Mice Removal Service- Three Reasons Why It is Important

Mice infestation is a problem that many of us are familiar with, as the house mouse is a creature that is almost ubiquitous in its presence. From rural lands to urban city centers, mice can be found pretty much everywhere. Atlanta is no stranger to this problem and its residents are all too familiar with rodents like rats and mice that tend to cause a significant amount of property damage every year. In this article, we take a look at the problem of mice infestation and the three important reasons why mice removal service becomes necessary. 

The House Mouse Problem

The house mouse, though not a native species of North America, can be found pretty much everywhere in the continent. It feeds on a variety of food substances including fruits, vegetables, grains, and refuse. They tend to live in attics, basements, and any other place where they can crawl through. 

The house mouse breeds extremely rapidly. A single mouse can give birth to as many as 70 mice in a year. This is why you should never ever leave a mouse problem unchecked. If you do, you could be looking at a full blown mice infestation in your place before you even know it!

Now, let us take a look at the three most important reasons why should opt for mice removal service in case you have a mouse problem in your place. 

1. Property Damage

Mice, in case you did not know, have teeth that never stop growing. They have to gnaw and chew constantly to keep the teeth growth in check. From copper wires to cardboard boxes, mice can chew their way through everything. In fact, there are very few materials that a mouse can actually not chew through. Pest control authorities say that mice can chew through plastic, wood, vinyl, lead, cinderblock, brick, aluminum, and believe it or not, even improperly cured concrete. 

Now you can easily assume the kind of damage they can cause to your property and possessions if left unchecked for months and months. This is one of the primary reasons why many house owners in Atlanta opt for mice removal service the moment they spot a mouse or two in their property. 

2. Unsanitary Conditions

Mice could contaminate food substances by nibbling at them, urinating in them, or defecating in them. Droppings, in particular, are the biggest problem with mice as a single mouse can produce as much as sixty droppings in a day. The stench of urine and feces can soon become unbearable. If any of it gets into your food, it could cause food poisoning as well. If left unchecked, the whole place could soon become extremely unclean and unsanitary. 

3. Diseases

This is easily the most important reason why mice removal service becomes absolutely essential. The house mouse is known to carry harmful bacteria and viruses and cause a number of diseases including salmonella food poisoning, typhus, rat bite fever, pox, typhus, Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, Lyme disease, and plague. 

The diseases could be transmitted through a variety of means – you could get bitten by a mouse flea or tick, you could get scratched or bitten by the mouse itself, you could ingest food contaminated with the urine, feces, or other bodily fluids of a mouse, and so on. While these diseases can be easily treated if detected at an early stage, they can take a toll on your general health, well being, and energy levels severely. Certain diseases, like the rat bite fever, are known to last months, leaving you feeling completely emaciated. So, it is very important to get rid of mice the moment you notice them. 

How to Get Rid of Mice?

Mice are incredibly crafty and it is next to impossible to get rid of them on your own. You definitely need the help of professionals to get it done. Luckily, there is no shortage of qualified mice removal service providers in Atlanta. They are well trained and knowledgeable and can handle even the most severe cases of mice infestations easily. Once you get rid of the infestation, it is a good idea to seal off the entry points and restrict access to prevent mice from entering your place again. Mice can squeeze through even the tiniest of gaps and holes, so you should get the help of a professional to make your place rodent-proof.

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